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专业 年制 授课语言 授予学位
Clinical Medicine 5 中文 Bachelor of Medicine
Clinical Medicine  6 英文 Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery
Biology Information 4 中文 Bachelor of Science
Biomedical Engineering 4 中文 Bachelor of Science
Clinical Pharmacy 5 中文 Bachelor of Science
Dentistry 5 中文 Bachelor of Medicine
Dentistry 5 英文 Bachelor of Medicine
Law 4 中文 Bachelor of Law
Medical English 4 中文 Bachelor of Arts
Medical Imaging 5 中文 Bachelor of Medicine
Medical Imaging Technology 4 中文 Bachelor of Science
Medical Laboratory Science 4 中文 Bachelor of Science
Nursing Science 4 中文 Bachelor of Science
Optometry 5 中文 Bachelor of Science
Pharmacy 4 中文 Bachelor of Science
Preventive Medicine 5 中文 Bachelor of Medicine
Public Health and Health Administration 4 中文 Bachelor of Management
Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine 4 中文 Bachelor of Science